BULAT T-64 Static Tank 67pc (Metal Time)

BULAT T-64 Static Tank 67pc (Metal Time)

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BULAT T-64 Static Tank 67pc (Metal Time)

The modernisation programme, transforming T-64 MBTs to BM Bulat MBTs, focused on improvement of its fire power, mobility and protection.
The upgraded sights and aiming devices include a Buran-E night vision system for detection, identification and engagement of targets, and a TKN-4S, the sighting system for the tank commander.
The modernisation work included installation of a 1G46M sight and a TO1-KO1ER night sighting system or Buran-Catherine thermal imager for the gunner, some 2E42M main armament stabiliser units, a 1V528-1 tank ballistic computer, a TAKO-621 guided weapon system, a 1ETs29M control system for anti-aircraft machine guns and a PNK-5SR observation and sighting system.