Puzzle 3D Flower Bouquet 581pc (Rowood)
n a quaint, sunlit workshop nestled at the edge of a picturesque field, a talented artisan crafted the most enchanting wooden flower bouquet. Each petal was carefully carved from the finest wood, and every stem was a polished delicate piece. With great dedication, the artisan painted the blooms in vivid, lifelike colours, ensuring that they would forever be in full bloom.
Product Features:
- Flower facing angle can be adjusted
- Adjustable stem height
- The four focal flower puzzle pieces included are: sunflower, lilac, pink rose, and red camellia
- Includes filler flowers such as eucalyptuses, green fruits, and green stems
- Includes customisable decorative message cards
- Includes dual-colour wrapping paper to create a stunning bouquet
Product Dimensions: 26x15x40cm